Crypt neurons are olfactoryreceptor cells located in the olfactory epithelium of fishes.
Electrophysiological activities of olfactoryreceptor neurons in intact epithelium were measured through the multi-channel recording system.
More recently, odorants have also been shown to affect the levels of cGMP in olfactoryreceptor neurons.
How is activation of such a subpopulation of olfactoryreceptor neurons in the periphery sensed by the brain?
However, other scientists think DEET acts directly on an as-yet-unidentified olfactoryreceptor, irritating them instead of just hindering them.
Uso de odorant receptors en inglés
Here, we outline a conceptually different strategy in which we search for odorantreceptors activated by a known odorant.
Subsequently, single cell RT-PCR is used to reveal the identity of the odorantreceptors expressed in retrogradely labeled neurons.
RNA levels of all class I, class II, and TAAR odorantreceptors are markedly reduced in OSNs in a non-cell autonomous manner.
Here we wished to investigate, whether the principle of spatial segregation observed for odorantreceptors extends to another olfactory receptor family, the V2R-related OlfC genes.
Odorantreceptors belong to class A of the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and detect a large number of structurally diverse odorant molecules.